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Our Team

Feel free to further explore the variety of exciting projects undertaken by the group members.

Principal Investigator

Tropical ecology and conservation


Dr Thomas Luypaert

Large vertebrate assemblages in Amazonian forests

PhD students

Samara Teixeira

Seasonal stress hormone levels and seed dispersal in capuchin monkeys (Sapajus libidinosus) at Parque Nacional de Brasilia.

Jørgen Sand Sæbø

Carbon and biodiversity co-benefits in Colombia: Implications for conservation planning and implementation of REDD+

MSc students

Steffen Johnsen

Detecting rainforest vertebrates through eDNA analyses of leaf swabs

Max Beaumont Taylor 

Skin micro-biota of Amazonian leaf-litter frogs

Joakim Nantenaina Vågen 

Leaf litter frog composition in Amazonian terra firme and várzea forest

Mads Voldengen

Detecting arboreal rainforest vertebrates through rain-wash eDNA analyses

•Julie Gjerdsjø Eriksen 

Distribution of the Kaapori capuchin (Cebus kaapori) in Paragominas municipality, eastern Amazonia, Brazil

Svea Wangenheim 

Primate community structure within logged and unlogged forest, Paragominas, Brazil

Martine Søreng Landsem

Primate community structure within logged and unlogged forest, Paragominas, Brazil

Jesper Andreas Askerød 

Plastic pollution in marine food chains


Andressa Bach (PhD student, Federal University of Mato Grosso)

Amazonian dung beetle assemblage structure and composition

Norma Senna (PhD student, Federal University of Lavras)

Como as alerações antrópicas podem afetar o funcionamento ecossistêmico de florestas tropicais?

Diego Pedroza Guimarães (PhD student, National Institute for Amazonian Research

Adaptations to seasonal inundation among the Amazonian floodplain biota

Felipe Marciniak Ferreira (PhD student, National Institute for Amazonian Research

Amazonian tree species traints



Joseph Hawes – Tree species composition, biomass and carbon stocks in undisturbed Amazonian forests.

João Campos-Silva – Effects of community-based fisheries management in the Juruá river, Brazil

Jacob Socolar – Impacts of tropical agriculture on biodiversity across spatial scales

Matthias Dehling – Hunting-induced defaunation and carbon stocks

Alexander Anderson – Functional diversity of birds in the Colombian Andes

James Gilroy – Effects of land-use change on biodiversity in the Colombian Chocó-Andes and Llanos


PhD students

Thomas Luypaert – Soundscape analysis for biodiversity monitoring in tropical rainforest ecosystems

Isabela Oliveiras – Amazonian butterfly assemblages

Elildo Carvalho Jr.  Effects of selective logging on Amazonian wildlife 

Oscar Morton  Illegal wildlife trade (co-supervisee University of Sheffield)

Yennie Bredin – Flooding matters: Structure, above-ground biomass, and carbon stocks of an Amazonian forestscape

Whaldener Endo – Game vertebrate responses to rural populations in Neotropical protected areas

Rafael Leandro de Assis – Tree species diversity, distribution and habitat specificity on Amazonian floodplains

MSc students

William Gromstad – Harnessing eDNA metabarcoding to investigate marine vertebrate community composition and its seasonal changes in the Oslo fjord

Aline Nobre Guindani – Efeitos do alagamento sazonal em assembleias de Formigas (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) nas florestas de Terra-firme, Igapó e Várzea na Amazônia Central (co-supervisor)

Miranda Dørum  Encounter rates and distribution of Inia geoffrensis and Sotalia fluviatilis in the middle Juruá region, western Amazonia, Brazil

Martine Johnsen – Home range size of domestic cats (Felis catus) around Østensjøvannet nature reserve and how this is affected by gender and age

Sara Norup – Home range use of domestic cats in and around Østensjøvannet nature reserve (co-supervisor)

Julie Torp Stavelin – Does the use of cat flaps influence home range size and use among domestic cats?

Nina Rosita Hansen – Spatial interactions in a domestic cat population (co-supervisor)

Ingrid Johanne Müller Tangvik – Effect of season and habitat on two congeneric bat species in a fragmented forest landscape, central Amazon, Brazil

Sinduja Anantha Krishnan – Phylogenetic diversity and evolutionary distinctiveness of Amazonian floodplain forest birds

Lillian Prestmoen – Space use and preferred places among domestic cats in Ås, southeastern Norway

William Gromstad – Temperature shapes the daily temporal distribution of Neotropical mammals

Anne-Marie Austad - Birds on camera: assessing avifaunal detections by camera traps in the Amazon

Sven Emil Hinderaker - Spatio-Temporal Ecology of Amazonian Freshwater Turtles

Astrid Kisen - Personality differences among domestic cats (Felis catus) in Norway and how they affect home range size

Ole-Andreas Stigsrud - Kan deltakelse i borgerforskningsprosjekter øke elevers interesse for naturfag på skolen?

Fan Wu - When does the cat roam: Temporal patterns of pet cat (Felis catus) roaming in Norway

Gina Sande Leikanger - Wildlife use of private gardens in south-eastern Norway

Malin Sahlin Aannestad - Biomass and carbon loss from selective logging and associated collateral damage in eastern Amazonia, Brazil

Filip Sarfi - Utilization of habitat edges and linear features during movement in free-ranging domestic cats in Norway

Bettina Bachmann - Home ranges of domestic cats (Felis catus) in south-eastern Norway

Joe Partyka - Parasites and People: Crocodile parasite interactions in human impacted areas of Belize

Linda Zsemberovszky - Vocal behaviour and intraspecific call variations of Kempholey Night Frog (Nyctibatrachus kempholeyensis) in the Western Ghats, India

Guillermo Alba – Assessing the effect of environmental variables on microhabitat selection and distribution for seven amphibian species in Colombia using in-situ and MaxEnt approaches

Nina Storm An evaluation of the efficiency of survey methods to monitor large mammals in Cusuco National Park, Honduras 

Liss Mortveit – Primate assemblage structure and habitat associations in the Pacaya-Samiria National Reserve, Peru

Margarita Lopez Garcia – Recovery of butterfly assemblages in secondary Andean cloud forests, Colombia

Gabriella Krivek – Fruit choice and habitat use of the Greater Mascarene Flying Fox (Pteropus niger) on Mauritius

Rudy Badia – Exploring the environmental factors determining forest bird composition and distribution on the island of Ta'u, American Samoa

Jørgen Sand Sæbø – Spatial and temporal distributions and interactions in a neotropical ground-dwelling animal community

Martin Austad – Nest site selection and nesting success by terns and skimmers in Manu National Park, Peru

Ramón Soto Madrid – The effect of selective logging on the community of chewing lice and feather mites associated with forest birds in Sabah, Malaysia

Marte Sofie Søreide – Effect of tree-fall gaps on fruit-feeding nymphalid butterfly assemblages and vertical stratification in Manu National Park, Peru

Petter Lilleengen – Assemblage structure of fruit-feeding nymphalids (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae) in floodplain and upland forest at Cocha Cashu, Peru

Pauline Kajl – Effects of alien plant species removal on biodiversity and species interactions in two native forest areas on Mauritius

Marte Fandrem – Bird-parasite dynamics in a Bornean rainforest: the effects of selective logging and host characteristics

Silvana Gallegos – Effect of forest conversion on the aquatic macro-invertebrate fauna in the Ecuadorian Andes

Fernanda de Almeida Meirelles – Conservação de roedores caviomorfos em uma reserva de desenvolvimento sustentável na Amazônia: efeitos da estrutura do habitat e atividades extrativistas (co-supervisor)

Ajaya Nagarkoti – A comparative study of abundance of tiger prey base in Bardia-Katarniaghat (Khata) corridor and south-west corner of Bardia National Park, Nepal

Molly Maria Greger – Traditional healers as a foundation pillar of medicinal plant conservation in Uganda

Tahir Mahmood – Assessing snow leopard (Unica unica) by sign surveys and camera trapping in northern Pakistan (co-supervisor)

Janak Raj Khatiwada – Amphibian species richness and composition along an elevational gradient in Chitwan, Nepal

Joaquin Urrutia – Physical factors influencing macro-invertebrate assemblages in epiphytic bromeliads in the rainforest of Belize

Maarten van der Eyden – Effects of fire history on species richness and carbon stocks in a Peruvian puna grassland, and development of allometric equations for biomass estimation of common puna species

Karl Rickard Persson – Seed dispersal of the Brazil nut tree (Bertholletia excelsa) by scatter-hoarding rodents in central Amazonian secondary forest

Jorunn Ospedal Vallestad – Bird species composition in primary and secondary forests of the lower Caquetá region, Colombia

Laura Maira – Status and ecology of the Wattled Curassow (Crax globulosa Spix, 1825) in the lower Caquetá river, Colombia

Daniel Thorsell – Ecology of the Malay Civet (Viverra tangalunga) in Lambusango forest on Buton Island, Sulawesi

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